Emotional Fitness – Our Brain Needs Mental Age Test

Individuals who retire and do not keep up their relations to other members of society have a tendency to slip into an emotional and physiological condition which affects their health and sometimes ends in an early death. Individuals who stay active, vital members of society very often keep going in good health for many years despite the advantages of a particularly planned program nutrition and exercise. Their curiosity about life and the people around them keeps them busy and enjoying their everyday activities, including meals, rest, activity, and all of the things that sometimes make life worth living. The more links we have, the more connected we feel to life, and the more helpers we might have in time of need too.

It is of general concern to try to stall the unwanted effects of these passing years by constructive efforts to improve and maintain mental fitness. Aging is related to specific cells and molecules in the brain becoming reduced or dying called senescence. As we age, our brain weight declines and this is considered to be due to the shrinkage of neurons in addition to general brain mass. Among the causes of disease is that plaque material gradually develops from the extracellular spaces of the hippocampus, cerebral cortex and other brain areas. It is tough to initially diagnose minor forgetfulness and the onset of Alzheimer’s. Progress has been made with brain scan techniques but sadly there’s not any known modern medical understanding about reversing the condition once diagnosed.

Mental Age Test

After stroke and multiple strokes there is usually a deterioration of the mind and functions and faculties together with destruction of cells. Parkinson’s disease can destroy up to 70% of the neurons in those regions seriously affecting motor function. Not only neurons, cells, but axons and dendrites also atrophy. Medical studies have confirmed test mental age however that the mind has a particular capacity to redesign or reform missing neural connections in later years. This is shown to be through the role of gill cells and atrocities that steadily increase in size and number after 60 years and their proliferation promotes neuronal and neurotic growth. This enables us to expect that brain repair and thought improvement can still happen into old age.

However it is not only the elderly people in our community but even the young ones that are most likely to exhibit early signs. However, it is an interesting observation that, despite the semi Starvation of thousands of Jews interned for many years during the war in the Nazi Camps, a few of the victims, decades later give evidence of longevity, clarity of thoughts and intellectual creativity  that is astonishing. We are humbled in our search to discover more about aging and longevity. There are likely to by many unknowns regardless of extensive continued research in this area.